Thursday 21 January 2016


Do you wish that you had the hoverboards from Back to the Future? Well too bad cause we don't have that yet, but we do have a segway without handles. These "hover boards" have been popularized by Vine stars and Youtubers through out the world and now kids everywhere are begging their parents to buy them the new hip form of travel. The premise is simple where ever you lean is where the hover board will go. What's not to love right?

Except for the fact that these things could cost over 1000$, yep you read right 1000$. The saying goes that "money doesn't grow on tress" and I can verify that claim since I have no money and if I did I wouldn't be in an able position to spend that sort of money on these kinds of luxuries.

Don't forget about the fires as well. Yup fires, and no it's no some feature to keep your feet warm it's an actual malfunction of the device witch leads to fires being created under your feet. These fires are usually caused by faulty ignition switches and usually from low end "hover boards" as well. It's hard to tell witch ones are low end since these companies always buy them cheap and jack up the prices three fold. So the excuse of just buying the more expensive board is out of the picture.

So in conclusion I think that these boards a re a novelty act that will wear off pretty quickly so it wouldn't be wise to invest in one. But if you still really really want one, your best bet would be to buy from the manufacturer directly, so being the good person I am, I have put a video below that tells you a bit about the "hover board" and shows you how to get it cheap.



  1. I've seen these things pop up all over the internet, and I think they're crazy cool! But due to the disappointing price tag and possible injuries I am sadly still walking everywhere I go. Isn't it ironic how the first commercially available hover board has wheels? That's going to be something to look back and laugh about in thirty years from now.

    1. Ya they are kinda I mean it's just asegway without the handlebars and they're charging an arm and a leg. It's pretty funny how companies get away with scaming the average consumer so hard. But hey, that's how the world works

  2. I heard that a canadian has invented a type of hoverboard. His name is Catalin Alexandru Duru, and this hoverboard does not have any wheels. You should definitely search him up! Other than that, I enjoyed the post and the information on this new gadget. Keep up the work!

    1. Yup I heard of Catalin (he's Romanian as well so that's cool) and his invention. Currently it's in it's prototype stages and it cant fly for very long, but I believe that with enough time to develop and engineer this hover board, we could truly see something revolutionary. But good luck getting it past law makers first.

  3. Wow Philip! this really made me want to get a hover board! However it the videos really got me thinking. I was wondering if the pricing the second video affects the durability and the functionality of the hover board? For example, if I bought a hover board for $198 straight from china, would it catch on fire like the guy in the first video experienced?

    1. Here's the problem, I don;t have that answer and that's why this market is so iffy. You could say "buy the most expensive one". But what would stop some guy from buying it cheap and then jacking up the price to make it look high end. It's like if I took a 2$ bag of chips and then sold it to you for 10$, it doesn't make the bag of chips any more valuable, it just made me richer. But on the contrary if you buy too cheap, you run the risk of having a faulty board.

      So I guess my answer would (like any other large investment) to do your homework, look on reviews etc..

  4. Well, all I can say is that these hover board type machines are cool. The very first time I ever came across one or even heard about it was through multiple youtube videos with people showing them off. At first I thought they were a pretty cool idea until I noticed their price. Which was clearly a big no no. And if that wasn't enough before now they started to spontaneously combust? That first video definitely got me thinking twice about buying one.

    1. Hey look on the bright side it comes with a free foot warmer! But in all seriousness I'm still surprised how this is still passing law makers, since they're usually super paranoid with things that could cause people harm. But I would stay away from these boards for a while, until a better version comes out or until an actual hover board releases.

  5. I really enjoyed your blog, I thought it was very well written. Hover boards are cool but I don't think I would spend 1000$ on it, especially after seeing one catch on fire. But it does look like it would be a lot of fun to play with. I'm looking forward to reading your next post.

    1. You're right, 1000$ is a lot of cash to be spent on a potentially dangerous item. If anything I would just recommend a ripstik sure it's not automatic but you still get two ride on two wheels and you get some exercise as well. So what's not to love.

  6. I can't believe people buy this! Outrageous. I can't imagine buying something for that much money just to have it light up! I would rather have a hoverboard that isn't lit, but maybe that's just me. Maybe if it were cheaper I would buy it. It does look like a lot of fun though, I always wanted to hover.

    1. Ya I belive that people would buy this either. I mean 1000$ is a lot of money, it's about 10 days for the full 8 hours and who knows wether that said person will be able to work 8 hours every day. People work way to hard to this money to just have spoiled little kids force them to buy them something that'll just combust in a week.

  7. I have first seen these hover boards on youtube while watching my favorite youtuber and then all of a sudden I wanted one because they are cool. When I went to lebanon I have so many of them and then I saw that people had to carry them because they couldn't go into the stores with them, or it ran out of battery and they are not that fast like I walk faster than them. And all the ones I have seen are damaged. I agree with you it is not a good investment. Great job on the blog, you know how to make people laugh!

    1. Well if you can walk faster than it then it probably means that these hoverboards are meant for people of a larger proportion (horitontaly). And you said that you can't take them in stores? Then whats the point of having if you can't use them half the time.
      Anyway thanks for this great post.

  8. I have first seen these hover boards on youtube while watching my favorite youtuber and then all of a sudden I wanted one because they are cool. When I went to lebanon I have so many of them and then I saw that people had to carry them because they couldn't go into the stores with them, or it ran out of battery and they are not that fast like I walk faster than them. And all the ones I have seen are damaged. I agree with you it is not a good investment. Great job on the blog, you know how to make people laugh!

    1. Yo why you got two comments

  9. I have seen these things everywhere and its making me a little bit jealous because I hate anything physical and this hover board would walk for me haha! But if heard bad things about these products like how they randomly combust into flames... yeah they should fix that problem.

    1. Ya I think they should fix it too. I imagine that getting lit on fire isn't a pleasent expirience. I mean I burned myself a little and it hurt a lot. Now imagine that all over your body, not fun.

      In conclusion, getting lit on fire is not something you want to have.

  10. I have seen these things everywhere and its making me a little bit jealous because I hate anything physical and this hover board would walk for me haha! But if heard bad things about these products like how they randomly combust into flames... yeah they should fix that problem.

    1. Yo dawg why you got two comments

  11. Fun blog with a good sense of humour. Back when I watched “Back to the Future” for the first time, I did hope that 2015 would look like what the movie said it would. So when I heard about hoverboards, I was very excited. When I saw what they actually were however…. Sigh.

    A few small issues:
    - Unclear where some of your information comes from (With no sourcing, it can be considered plagiarism.)
    - Spelling/ grammar (years vs year’s, driver less vs driverless, run-ons, its vs it’s, etc.)
